Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's It All About?

This blog is all about my struggle for more freedom, autonomy and pleasure in life. My trail running is one symbol and experience of that, as is travel generally, writing, art, and family. I believe that there is a whole lot more to life than the 9-5, the daily commute, home ownership and that mythical pension pot at the end of the tunnel. If you're happy with that, and some people are, that's fine. But I know that I'm not, and I know that there are others out there like me.

For years I'd been desperately unhappy and frustrated in that straight-jacketed world view. Then, just over a year ago, it all got too much, and I opted out. I pulled together some savings (supposedly meant for a deposit on a house) and took a Career Break. I went travelling, to see what'd happen... and do you know what? The only things that happened were wonderful. What I'd thought was going to be horrendously risky - career suicide, the end of my chances of ever getting on the property ladder, and frighteningly lonely - turned out to be no big deal. I rediscovered positivity, health, and energy. I made friends who also believed that a mortgage wasn't the be all and end all. I began to write again, paint again, draw again, dream again - my creativity re-grew its wings and took flight. I took pleasure in the moment, every moment. And I upped my running from a burl round the park to ease out work stresses, to long heavenly explorations of some of the most beautiful places in the world. It was magnificent.

Now of course, I'm back. A Career Break only lasts so long, and here I am, back within the daily grind, like as if I'd never been away. Except, it is different this time. Direct experimentation proved to me that there is more to life, and that it is realistic to pursue it. I now have direction, hope, and determination.

I am on my way.

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