Saturday, September 20, 2008

Searching Out Others

"Great feats are rarely achieved by individuals in isolation; more often it is a team effort. A team which understands its strengths and weaknesses and pulls together to face the challenge will achieve the seemingly impossible." Robert Swan.

I thought I was alone in all this. I thought it was only me who struggled with the daily grind, and instinctively felt that there must be another way. It was only browsing the internet that made me realise that that might not be the case, and that there are tribes and networks of individuals scattered all over the world who have similar ideas and drives to mine.

Linking in to those tribes helps enormously; searching out others who are doing, or have done, the same thing. And 'the same thing' encompasses all sorts of elements - people who are writers, artists, or entrepeneurs in their field... People who have sussed out simple living or 'voluntary simplicity' as a means of freeing themselves... Explorers and travellers who demonstrate all the different ways of getting out into the world. Thinkers and bloggers who rant about the deeper ideological and cultural issues that underpin how the status quo is maintained, and what it takes to break with the norm. The individuals who are at the various stages of their own struggles and journeys. And the friends and family who not only show how massive progress can be made from everyday beginnings, but also support and contribute to my own journey more than they know.

Searching out others is essential on the journey.

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