Saturday, April 4, 2009

Plan B

The ankle has gone again. Goddamit, I was just building up to half-decent mileage again, getting excited about the spring and summer ahead, trail-running in the hills day after day... When boom! Something in my ankle goes and tears and screams and stops me in my tracks. This was originally meant to be a blog about running! Who'd have known it?

Anyway, am meeting up with a physiotherapist friend tomorrow, and will prevail on her for a consult at a reasonable price. In the meantime, the bike has come out of hibernation. Took off this morning, for a test-run 5 miler through mist and smirr. Hey, this is pretty good. No longer in the city, I can make the most of empty roads that don't lead anywhere in particular. I belt down hills at a fair old lick. Around me, there's no sound but the whirr of my wheels, and the cry of birds in the fields and moors - curlews, lapwings, snipe, geese...

The world is peaceful, alive, and magnificent.

Image by ex_magician


moik said...

Thanks so much for using my photo - I'm honored.

I just ran a marathon and a half marathon (2 weeks apart) and am just starting to run again after an entire week with no running. I sure hate injuries - so far I've been so fortunate.

I am lamenting the onset of Winter here in the mountains - we already have a foot of snow in the high country - but nothing here yet! That makes trail running difficult - more like snowshoeing.

Katie said...

Hiya moik, you're welcome, it's a privilege to be able to use your photo.

A marathon and a half marathon just two weeks apart! That's pretty impressive, my legs would be jelly.

I've never tried running in proper snow - a light covering is great fun, but we don't get much deep snow in Scotland anymore. Just lots of rain and wind mostly.

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