In 2009 I:
- Left the big city behind. Hopefully forever.
- Moved out to the back of beyond in the Scottish Highlands. When Tim Ferriss talks about his 'remote working arrangements' he only knows half the story.
- Landed a fabulous new job with a fabulous small company.
- Tried working from home. It really does rock by the way.
- Injured my ankle. Repeatedly.
- Gained a lot of weight.
- Lost some of it.
- Didn't run two marathons.
- Tried a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Not as bad as I was expecting...
- Did my first course with the OU. Then immediately did another one. The OU beats every other university I've ever studied with.
- Celebrated two years with my wonderful man. To mark the occasion, went to a comedy ceilidh, complete with flashing sporrans and hula hoop solos. Hula hoops should be part of life more often.
- Was interviewed for a newspaper. I'm not including the link, because it really was so embarrassing. A media darling I am not.
- Got chickens!
- Abandoned Traildreamer.
- Resurrected Traildreamer. Missed you baby.
- Wrote poems that made me giggle.
- Wrote stories that gave a friend's 6 year old daughter nightmares. Note to friends, my stories are not children's fiction, no matter how childish they may seem.
- Bought a kick-ass bike. Kicked ass, by bike, for miles in every direction.
- Spent oodles of quality time with family.
- Didn't travel overseas at all, not even once (unless you count a long weekend in the Orkney Isles. Stromness is great, but it ain't Maui).
Image of hula hoops by otherthings
Happy New Year